
Congratulations to the new 2008-2009 officers!

The election of officers was held at yesterday's meeting on April 8. The officers for the 2008-2009 academic year are:

President - Kelli Eason
Vice President - Alex Wommack
PR Director - Justin Runyon
Secretary - Parker Wishik
Treasurer - Laura Bratcher
Fundraising Chair - Laura Weems
PRestige - Chelsey Laborde & Britney Lombas
Mentor Match - Marisa Joseph & Rebecca Erwin


Tuesday, April 8 Newsletter

Hey guys,

As promised, here is the newsletter from tonight. Congratulations to the new officers! I'm really excited about the 2008-2009 academic year, and I'm 100% positive that PRSSA at LSU is going to continue to grow and maintain its reputation as one of the best pre-professional societies on campus.

Feel free to submit anything for the April 22 meeting's newsletter to me at justinrunyon@gmail.com. Also, don't forget that t-shirts can be purchased for $12 at Dr. Dahman's office in 203 Hodges.


April 8th Meeting

PRSSA at LSU will be holding officer elections Tuesday night at 6:00 p.m. in the Journalism Building. We would like as many members as possible to attend and vote for the new officers for the 2008-2009 academic year.