Don't forget to send your resume to Parker at for inclusion in the PRSSA at LSU Resume Book. The more resumes we have, the better our organization looks, and we need all members' help to stuff that book! Don't be intimidated if you don't have a huge resume - most of us don't!
If you need help creating or making your resume look great, contact LSU Career Services. They've got professionals who are great at looking over resumes and helping you market yourself to show your best.
The Louisiana State University chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America is the largest student organization in the Manship School of Mass Communication.
We welcome students of all majors and backgrounds.
Our meetings are held on Thursdays at 6 p.m. in the Holliday Forum of the Journalism Building.
PRestige is PRSSA's student-run firm. We handle various clients around the Baton Rouge area. PRestige is a great way to gain experience, work in groups and meet other members of PRSSA. All dues-paid members are welcome to attend. PRestige meetings are following all PRSSA meetings. Additional meetings are on an as-needed basis.
For more information, or to join, contact PRestige Executives Erica Fisher and Lesley Gillett.
2009-2010 Officers
President - Chelsey Laborde
Vice President - Bridget Cloud
PR Director - Amanda Eisman
Secretary - Lindsay Rabalais
Treasurer - Alex Wommack
Fundraising Chair - Zach Landry
PRestige - Erica Fisher and Lesley Gillett
Mentor Match - Joe Coussan
Mentor March - Julie Collins